Professor of Curriculum and Teaching methods at King Saud University Abdullah Al-Hadlaq and his grad
To learn more about Talemia's products and services Professor of Curriculum and Teaching methods at King Saud University Abdullah Al-Hadlaq and his graduate students visits #Talemia
More than 80 educational leaders discuss school partnership with family and community in a work shop
Conducted by Tatweer and was inaugurated by the Undersecretary of Public Education More than 80 educational leaders discuss school partnership with family and community in a work shop within “ertiqa” initiative
Strategic plan members of Talemia companies group reviews Talemia's educational services and products
Dr. Mohamed Omar, Director General of ALECSO, briefed on Talemia’s educational programs and projects
Received by the CEO and number of the company’s leaders Dr. Mohamed Omar, Director General of ALECSO, briefed on Talemia’s educational programs and projects
In collaboration with the American National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Talemia qualifies more than 30 teachers and supervisors through workshop “building the national curriculum” for kindergarten and Nursery stages
Prince of Al-Baha honors Talemia for Educational services for sponsoring the second International...
Dr. Mohammed Al-Qahtani received the honorary shield and introduced a paper entitled "Educational solutions and applications to develop public education" Prince of Al-Baha honors Talemia for Educational services for sponsoring the second International Conference on Education at the University of Baha
His Excellency the Minister of Education visits Talemia for Educational services and learns about...
His Excellency the Minister of Education visits Talemia for Educational services and learns about the strategic programs and projects to achieve the educational goals of Vision 2030
iEN, the National Education Portal, won the fifth annual Enjaz award for “Providing Outstanding Services for the Community (individuals and government)”
The Department of Administrative Affairs and Human Resources conducted a training program on “Commercial Management of Projects” from December 4 to 8, 2016. This comes as part of efforts exerted by the HR Department to develop work, improve staff performance
The Hodhun Program, for preparing and certifying female caregivers to nurture and educate children aged 0-3 years, was concluded on Thursday Dec. 1, 2016. The training program was conducted over 10 days in Jeddah and Madina. The program is a